Michigan Server Training Course Details

The Michigan Responsible Beverage Server Training course includes five online modules:

  • Module 1: Training Overview
  • Module 2: The Ins and Outs of Alcohol
  • Module 3: Minors and Alcohol Sales
  • Module 4: Intoxicated People
  • Module 5: Other Michigan State Laws Regarding Alcohol

You will work through the narrated modules in order and take a brief quiz at the end of each module. After you finish the last module, you will review a summary of the course before you take the final exam. You need to score 70 percent or above to pass the final exam, and you can retake the exam up to three times.

Module 1: Training Overview

The first module defines key terms and explains the purpose and goals of the course. Learn about Michigan alcohol laws and your responsibilities as a server or seller of alcohol.

Module 2: The Ins and Outs of Alcohol

After learning about the four types of alcohol, you'll get a scientific overview of alcohol's effects on the body. This module covers observable signs of intoxication and the long-term health risks of alcohol use.

Module 3: Minors and Alcohol Sales

Take an in-depth look at Michigan laws that aim to prevent minors from purchasing and consuming alcohol. Find out how to spot underage patrons and fake IDs, and learn tips for refusing sales to minors.

Module 4: Intoxicated People

Develop skills to help you determine when a patron is intoxicated. Read about the Dram Shop Act and other laws that hold servers responsible for injuries and damages caused by their customers.

Module 5: Other Michigan State Laws Regarding Alcohol

Familiarize yourself with other regulations that you and your employer must follow, including laws on alcohol licensing, hours of sale, occupancy, and prohibited activities.